Elephants Will Be Mine ئاپەکان

Vacuum Sounds
Elephants Will Be Mine
My Little Baby: Vacuum Sounds is the nextapplication designed for small children.Tailor-made soothing sounds of low frequency will help your littleone to sleep.Choose the most effective sound for your child - you have a choiceof two different sounds of a vacuum cleaner, a hair dryer, a fanand washing machine and the stream of water sounds.The application can run continuously or you can set the switch offtime.We strive to develop our applications in the best possible way.However, if you have any comments or suggestions please contact usat support@elephantswillbemine.comSweet dreams for your kids :)
Scrabless - NoAds
Scrabless is a puzzle game based on the knownword game principles.There are two game modes: single player and multiplayer.In the first mode, you can select one of three difficulty optionswhere at hard - computer selects the best scoring words but alsopredicts our movements to make it difficult to score points.Depending on the level we have available different number ofsuggestions offered by the computer. Words from the hints are notscored however.Competition results can be uploaded to top score table which isavailable in the game and on our website .The network version of the game allows two players to play on twodevices. As long as they are both within the same WIFI network.The aim of the game is to draw letters and arranging them intowords on a special board with dimensions of 15x15 squares. Thewords are arranged in a crossword shaped manner . The first wordshould pass through the field H8 (the center of the board ) . Eachnew word must use at least one letter that is already on the board, so the newly placed words either intersect with existing orextend them with another letter.The player who cannot ( or chooses not to - for tactical reasons )lay out the correct word out of owned letters, either passes , oreven exchanges letters . Arranged words are scored, the game is wonby whoever (all made movements ) scores more points than theopponent.The game includes two languages and two dictionaries : English andPolish.We have made every effort to make the game as the most polished andtested - but if you have suggestions or comments on the changes ,please email support@elephantswillbemine.comHave fun !
Wild Animals Sounds 1.0.9
Elephants Will Be Mine
My Little Baby Wild Animals Sounds is the nextapplication of a series of educational games designed specificallyfor younger children. ( from 11 months old)Your child plays and learns the sounds that wild animalsmake.Colorful illustrations, simple in use and accompanied by greatmusic. The application has been tested on the target group :) so weadded special convenient features:Does your child block or exit the game by accident just byholding the phone or a tablet?Our game does not lock up when your child accidentally presses thescreen – the game is still running.Does your child click on the ads by accident spoiling thefun?In our application you can just click on the ad, then returnimmediately and the ad disappears.(If you want to delete them permanently - you can also buy NoAdsversions)We have done our best to fascinate your child with ourapplication because our kids also use it. However if you have anycomments or suggestions please write to support (at)elephantswillbemine.comWe will take into consideration any creative remarks and includethem in subsequent updates.Have Fun.
PageBall - Best Soccer Game
The Page Ball is a very complex electronicversion of the popular game called Paper Soccer or PaperFootball.Were you also the best in class at Paper Soccer in primary school?:) Try to win with a specially created artificial intelligence,which at HARD level predicts up to 16 of your moves ahead.Do you think football is just a boring square field? In PageBallyou can take part in engaging campaigns, where you can discover all9 crazy shaped fields and with different numbers of goals ... andthe further the harder ...You can also play with friends in PVP mode on one device or viaWiFi! All you need is the common WIFI network!The Player vs CPU mode allows you to choose level, field anddifficulty. And if you do not understand the rules completely,refer to the tutorial. During the campaign, you can also takeadvantage of the move tips offered by the computer.In addition, each movement, whether it is attack or defense, hasits score. In addition, the time of each move is measured. Theresults are recorded on the leader boards, so you can monitor yourprogress.The aim of the game is to put the ball in the opponent's goal.The movements can be carried out to the side and diagonally. Youcan also bounce off the walls and previously positioned moves. Byusing complicated combinations earn extra points. You can also tryto block access to your goal.Due to the variety of existing rules, in the options menu, apossibility of gaining points by blocking access to your own goalcan be switched on or disabled. You can also disable theinteractive tips for beginners.We have made every effort to perfect the game and test itthoroughly - but if you have suggestions or comments for the PageBall game, please email: support@elephantswillbemine.comHave fun!Keywords:Football, soccer, paper, ballpen.
Help the Scrabbler 1.0.9
Elephants Will Be Mine
Help The Scrabbler is an application designedfor fans of the game Scrabble.The application allows you to quickly and easily check thecorrectness and relevance words created during the game.The second function of the application is the ability to generateall possible words from the letters provided by the user ( alsowith signs " blank ") and sort them according to the number ofletters or points.The application uses a official Scrabble dictionary, whichchecks the word and its variations according to the rules of thegame Scrabble .The app includes two languages and two dictionaries : Englishand Polish.Ads can be disabled with one click and back - but if you enjoyour application - you can buy NoAds version .We have made every effort to make the game as the most polished andtested – but if you have suggestions or comments on the changes ,please email support@elephantswillbemine.comIf you like our app , please leave a rating.Have fun !
Animal Puzzle for Kids 1.0.3
Elephants Will Be Mine
My Little Baby: Animal Puzzle with Sounds isthe next application of a series of educational games designedspecifically for younger children. ( for 1-5 years old kids, butalso suitable for older children)Free version includes:- 18 levels- 2 puzzle types- 36 different animals (among others domestic animals, forest,wild, birds, underwater etc)- Your child plays and learns the shapes recognitions and soundsthat animals make.- Colouful illustrations, simple in use and accompanied by greatmusic and sounds.- Protection slider for parents to stop children from leaving thelevel by mistake- Graphics designed for phones and tablets.The application has been tested on the target group :) so weadded special convenient features:Does your child block or exit the game by accident just byholding the phone or a tablet?Our game does not lock up when your child accidentally presses thescreen – the game is still running.Game contains ads that may however be switched off. If you likethis game you can buy version NoAds.We have done our best to fascinate your child with ourapplication because our kids also use it. However if you have anycomments or suggestions please write to support (at)elephantswillbemine.comWe will take into consideration any creative remarks and includethem in subsequent updates.
Red Bad Robot NoAds
Red Bad Robot is a programming puzzle game,which is an easy way to introduce you to the world ofprogramming.The game uses the mechanics which are used during programming. RedBad Robot allows players to understand the basic concepts ofprogramming, such as flow of instructions, sequences, proceduresand loops.The player's task is to plan the commands for the robot to reachthe exit. Levels are harder and harder, and you need to use theminimum number of commands.During the game, there are additional features such as thepossibility of moving boxes, shooting, open doors, and eventeleport or multi-threaded robots.The game has 24 stages and is intended for players of allages.In addition, the game features an editor which allow you to createyour own levels and there is the possibility of uploading it to theserver. This gives unlimited possibilities for all those playersfor whom the basic steps will not be a large enoughchallenge.The only condition is for the author to finish the level of his owncreation.The game has English and Polish languages​​, which will beautomatically recognized, however, it can be changed in thesettings menu any time.We have made every effort to make the game most perfected andtested – but if you have suggestions or comments on the changes,please email support@elephantswillbemine.comIf you like this game - leave us your opinion.Have fun!
Helfer für Scrabbler 1.0.5
Elephants Will Be Mine
„Helfer für Scrabbler” ist eine für die Fansdes Scrabble-Spiels entwickelte Applikation.Die Applikation ermöglicht es, die Richtigkeit und die Bedeutungdes Wortes, das im Spiel erstellt wurde, schnell und einfach zuüberprüfen. Die zweite Funktion der Applikation ist die Fähigkeit,alle möglichen Wörter zu erzeugen, die aus den durch den Benutzerangegebenen Buchstaben (auch mit Zeichen "blank") entstehen.Zusätzlich kann die Applikation die Wörter nach der Anzahl derBuchstaben oder Punkte sortieren.Wir haben uns bemüht, das Spiel zu polieren und testen - wennSie aber Anregungen oder Kommentare für Änderungen haben, mailenSie bitte support@elephantswillbemine.com.Viel Spaß!"Helper for Scrabbler" isa technology developed for fans of the Scrabble game application.The application makes it possible to verify the accuracy andmeaning of the word that was created in the game quickly andeasily. The second function of the application is the ability toproduce all possible words from the character specified by the user(with sign "blank") are formed. In addition, the application cansort the words according to the number of characters or dots.We have tried to polish and test the game - but if you havesuggestions or comments for changes, please email support@elephantswillbemine.com.Have fun!
PageBall Lite-Best Soccer Game
Elephants Will Be Mine
The Page Ball is a very complexelectronicversion of the popular game called Paper Soccer orPaperFootball.Were you also the best in class at Page Ball in primary school?:)Try to win with a specially created artificial intelligence,whichat HARD level predicts up to 16 of your moves ahead.Do you think football is just a boring square field? In PageBallyoucan take part in engaging campaigns, where you can discover all9crazy shaped fields and with different numbers of goals ... andthefurther the harder ...You can also play with friends in PVP mode on one device orviaWiFi! All you need is the common WI-FI network!The Player vs CPU mode allows you to choose level, fieldanddifficulty. And if you do not understand the rulescompletely,refer to the tutorial. During the campaign, you can alsotakeadvantage of the move tips offered by the computer.In addition, each movement, whether it is attack or defense, hasitsscore. In addition, the time of each move is measured. Theresultsare recorded on the leader boards, so you can monitor yourprogress.The aim of the game is to put the ball in the opponent'sgoal.The movements can be carried out to the side and diagonally.Youcan also bounce off the walls and previously positioned moves.Byusing complicated combinations earn extra points. You can alsotryto block access to your goal.Due to the variety of existing rules, in the options menu,apossibility of gaining points by blocking access to your owngoalcan be switched on or disabled. You can also disabletheinteractive tips for beginners.We have made every effort to perfect the game and testitthoroughly - but if you have suggestions or comments for thePageBall game, please email: support@elephantswillbemine.comThis is lite version, full version include:- 9 fields- 3 difficulty levels- split screen mode- multiplayer over WIFI- no adsHave fun!
Explosive pigs 1.0.4
Elephants Will Be Mine
Funny and very addictive puzzle game about the pigs, apples andexplosions.
Aktualności CKiS 1.0
Elephants Will Be Mine
Aplikacja wyświetla aktualności CentrumKulturyi Sztuki w Tczewie.The applicationdisplaysnews Culture and Art Center in Tczew.
Playing Blocks 3D - NoAds 1.0.5
Playing Blocks 3D is a music game consistingofhitting the appropriate blocks pop-up in the rhythm of one ofthesix tracks. Any mistake or delay and the music stops, and thelongeryou play the more points you make. You should also use acombinationof two or three blocks at a time.Depending on the set difficulty, the game is great entertainmentforboth younger and older children. Babies learn to recognizeshapes,colors and sense of rhythm. Older children practice reflex-constantly enhancing results. During test application, it turnedoutthat the game is also addictive to adult users :)You can update the results from one of three levels, to TopScorelist which is available online on our website.We have made every effort to ensure that the application ismostelaborate - but if you have any comments or suggestions,pleasewrite to support@elephantswillbemine.com,andwe will try as soon as possible to include them infutureupdates.Have fun.
Elephants Will Be Mine
Scrabless is a puzzle game based on the knownword game principles.There are two game modes: single player and multiplayer.In the first mode, you can select one of three difficulty optionswhere at hard - computer selects the best scoring words but alsopredicts our movements to make it difficult to score points.Depending on the level we have available different number ofsuggestions offered by the computer. Words from the hints are notscored however.Competition results can be uploaded to top score table which isavailable in the game and on our website .The network version of the game allows two players to play on twodevices. As long as they are both within the same WIFI network.The aim of the game is to draw letters and arranging them intowords on a special board with dimensions of 15x15 squares. Thewords are arranged in a crossword shaped manner . The first wordshould pass through the field H8 (the center of the board ) . Eachnew word must use at least one letter that is already on the board, so the newly placed words either intersect with existing orextend them with another letter.The player who cannot ( or chooses not to - for tactical reasons )lay out the correct word out of owned letters, either passes , oreven exchanges letters . Arranged words are scored, the game is wonby whoever (all made movements ) scores more points than theopponent.The game includes two languages and two dictionaries : English andPolish.Game contains ads that may however be switched off. If you likethis game you can buy version NoAds.We have made every effort to make the game as the most polished andtested - but if you have suggestions or comments on the changes ,please email support@elephantswillbemine.comHave fun !
Wesołe cyferki
Elephants Will Be Mine
"Wesołe cyferki" to polska gra edukacyjna,która szybko zapozna Twoje dziecko z cyframi i liczbami orazprzyspieszy naukę liczenia. Gra zaprojektowana została w takisposób, by mogły z niej korzystać zarówno małe, jak i starszedzieci. W pierwszej części gry dziecko poznaje liczby, uczy sięrozpoznawać, która cyfra jest większa oraz uczy się liczyć. Wdrugiej części dziecko poznaje podstawy matematyki przy pomocyprostych równań. Podczas każdego zadania animowane literki ucządziecko prawidłowej ich wymowy. Nim się zorientujesz, Twoje dzieckobędzie liczyć do 10 i rozwiązywać proste równania.Darmowa wersja zawiera:- Etap 1 - Poznawanie cyfr- Etap 2 - Która cyfra jest większa- Etap 3 - Liczenie- 12 równań matematycznych (w każdej chwili można dokupić pełnąwersję, w której jest 45 równań oraz nie ma reklam).- Twoje dziecko bawi się i uczy, poznając cyfry oraz licząc.- Twoje dziecko uczy się prawidłowej wymowy.- Kolorowe ilustracje, animacje oraz polski lektor.- Grafika zaprojektowana zarówno dla telefonów, tabletów oraztelewizorów.- Gra w pełni w języku polskim - zaprojektowana przy współpracynauczycieli.Aplikacja została przetestowana na grupie docelowej :) dzięki czemudodano specjalne funkcje, ułatwiające obsługę, np: gra posiadafunkcję multidotyku i nie blokuje się, a kiedy Twoje dziecko przezprzypadek drugą ręką naciśnie ekran - gra nadal będziedziałać.Dołożyliśmy wszelkich starań, by aplikacja zachwyciła Twojegomalucha - ponieważ nasze dzieciaki też jej używają :) Jeśli jednakmacie jakieś uwagi lub propozycje, piszcie nasupport@elephantswillbemine.com, a my postaramy się jak najszybciejje uwzględnić w kolejnych aktualizacjach.Miłej zabawy."Happy digits" is aPolish educational game that quickly familiarize your child withnumbers and figures and accelerate learning numeracy. The game isdesigned in such a way that they can use it both small and olderchildren. In the first part of the game to know the number of childlearns to recognize that figure is greater, and learn to count. Inthe second part of the child learns the basics of mathematics usingsimple equations. During each task animated letters teach theirchild the correct pronunciation. Before you know it, your childwill count to 10 and solve simple equation.The free version includes:- Step 1 - Getting to Know the numbers- Step 2 - Which figure is greater than- Step 3 - Counting- 12 mathematical equations (at any time, you can buy the fullversion, which is 45 equations and no ads).- Your child is playing and learning, learning numbers andcounting.- Your child is learning the correct pronunciation.- Colorful illustrations, animations and Polish teacher.- Graphics designed both for mobile phones, tablets, andtelevisions.- The game fully in Polish - was designed in collaboration withteachers.The application has been tested on the target group :) so specialadded features for ease of use, such as: the game has a functionmultidotyku and does not block, and when your child accidentallypresses the screen with the other hand - the game will continue towork.We have made every effort to ensure your child's applicationdelighted - because our kids can use it :) But if you have anycomments or suggestions, please write tosupport@elephantswillbemine.com, and we will try to include them assoon as possible in future updates.Have fun.
Mobilna baza ofert pracy 1.0
Elephants Will Be Mine
Mobilna baza ofert pracyMobile base job
Help the Scrabbler - NoAds 1.0.5
Help The Scrabbler NoAds is anapplicationdesigned for fans of the game Scrabble.The application allows you to quickly and easily checkthecorrectness and relevance words created during the game.The second function of the application is the ability togenerateall possible words from the letters provided by the user (alsowith signs " blank ") and sort them according to the numberofletters or points.The application uses a official Scrabble dictionary, whichchecksthe word and its variations according to the rules of thegameScrabble .The app includes two languages and two dictionaries : EnglishandPolish.We have made every effort to make the game as the mostpolishedand tested – but if you have suggestions or comments on thechanges, please email support@elephantswillbemine.comIf you like our app , please leave a rating.Have fun !
Vacuum Sounds NoAds 1.0.1
My Little Baby: Vacuum Sounds is thenextapplication designed for small children.Tailor-made soothing sounds of low frequency will helpyourlittle one to sleep.Choose the most effective sound for your child - you haveachoice of two different sounds of a vacuum cleaner, a hair dryer,afan and washing machine and the stream of water sounds.The application can run continuously or you can set theswitchoff time.We strive to develop our applications in the best possibleway.However, if you have any comments or suggestions please contactusat support@elephantswillbemine.comSweet dreams for your kids :)
Playing Blocks 3D - Music Game 1.0.5
Elephants Will Be Mine
Fun and learning in the new musical game Playing Blocks 3D.
Animal Sounds NoAds 1.0.2
My Little Baby Animal Sounds is thefirstapplication of a series of educational games designedspecificallyfor younger children. ( from 11 months old)Your child plays and learns the sounds that animals make.Colouful illustrations, simple in use and accompanied bygreatmusic. The application has been tested on the target group :)so weadded special convenient features:Does your child block or exit the game by accident justbyholding the phone or a tablet?Our game does not lock up when your child accidentally pressesthescreen - the game is still running.We have done our best to fascinate your child withourapplication because our kids also use it. However if you haveanycomments or suggestions please writetosupport@elephantswillbemine.comWe will take into consideration any creative remarks andincludethem in subsequent updates.